Love Thoughts, Society

To Stay in Love is a Choice

When you’ve been in the same relationship for a long time, sometimes everything becomes a habit.  The conversations, the kisses, the hugs and even each other’s mere presence.  What were once looked forward to can one day become things that you don’t want to do anymore.  Believe me, this kind of s*** happens in real life and not just in movies.

There would come a point that the person you so adored has become a stranger.  You learn things about him or her that you never knew and you tend to see the bad in every little thing your partner says and does.  Then you wonder, where have the sparks gone to?  Where have the butterflies in your stomach flown to?  And is there any hope of moving forward in each other’s arms?

The answers to these questions must come from the both of you.  Talking to each other, pouring your heart, soul and mind out would open up your relationship to the positive feelings.  It won’t be easy at first and some couples may still find it difficult to talk heartily even after years of being together.

When times like this come your way, look back on when you were falling in love with each other.  Reminisce how and why you came into the relationship in the first place.  When your judgment becomes clouded by emotions, you tend to focus on the negative.  So you better take a step back for you to be able to see the bigger picture of where you are with your partner and where you want to be – broken up or together.

Everything in life and relationships is a process.  Don’t expect to be back on track at once.  Agree to compromise. Sooner than later, you’ll both be able to find balance and you’ll feel better about each other, your relationship and yourself.  When problems in the relationship come your way, breathe, take it easy.  You may want some time off, but remember to hold on and never let go.  Because when you let go of things that easily, you’ll eventually end up regretting.  And to live a life full of regrets and what if’s is not the kind of life you’d like to live.  Since being with somebody becomes a habit, it is your choice if you want to make that habit a good one or a bad one that you’d end up replacing.